Sunday, August 8, 2010

Welcome to the Johnson Twin blog!

I had intended to start "blogging" back when I was pregnant as a way of journaling the experience of carrying twins. Somehow, the 50 pounds of extra weight (most of which was on my ankles) was not as inspiring as I thought it would be in terms of writing. Plus, had I described my experience as a soon-to-be mom of twins, I imagine many women would think twice about procreating-which is NOT my intention. Then, when my beautiful girls were born on March 18th,2010, I foolishly thought that I would have the time to write about my life as a new mommy-perhaps when they napped. I quickly became enveloped in a world of dirty diapers, bottles with too many pieces to wash and obsessive charting of every movement and bodily function my daughters had. So, it took a bit longer than I had originally thought, but now that the girls are almost 5 months old, I can say that there is no such thing as "extra time". However, if I don't MAKE the time to document this awesome experience, I know I will regret in in the future. So I hope that through this blog I can share my thoughts and experiences of being a mommy of twins. But not just ANY twins... the BEST twins in the world!

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